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Brain Injury Coping Skills Group

BICS is a specialized group therapy for survivors of acquired brain injury and their caregiver/family. It  was created by neuropsychologists Drs. Sam Backhaus and Summer Ibarra and its effectiveness has been demonstrated through several publications. 


The goal of BICS is to provide education about

  • Effects of brain injury

  • Recovery expectations 

  • Factors that impact the survivors' daily functioning


BICS aims to teach the participants techniques for managing issues commonly seen after a brain injury, such as  

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Anger

  • Irritability

  • Hostility

  • Grief











BICS sessions are led by clinicians who have completed the official Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS) training through The Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS).  

BICS program spans through twelve weekly sessions that are two hours in length. This specialized group provides education and skills that patients and their families can use beyond the duration of the program to promote better adjustment and management of daily cognitive and behavioral challenges. 



The BICS program at ING is made possible in partnership

through ING and the RHI Foundation's The Dr. Lisa Thompson

Fund to ensure equal acceess to any brain injury survivor and their

caregiver/family, regardless of financial constraints. 




Brain Injury Coping Skills Group: A Preventative Intervention for Patients with Brain Injury and Their Caregivers
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 91, Issue 11, 1793
Authors: Samantha L. Backhaus, PhD, Summer L. Ibarra, PhD, Daniel Klyce, PhD, Lance E. Trexler, PhD, James F. Malec, PhD. Department of Neuropsychology, Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana, Indianapolis, IN.

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